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Our insurance business is written through RenaissanceRe Syndicate 1458 and our clients benefit through our access to the diverse range of Lloyd’s global markets and resources. Edward Cruttenden, Active Underwriter for RenaissanceRe Syndicate 1458 and Global Head of Casualty Insurance

Our insurance business includes general liability, professional liability and medical malpractice on the casualty side, and direct and facultative and delegated authority on the property side.

We work hard to maintain our reputation in the insurance marketplace by:

  • Recruiting highly-experienced underwriters
  • Using sophisticated risk selection and evaluation techniques to generate consistent pricing over market cycles
  • Sustaining partnerships with clients with the highest degree of integrity

We welcome you to reach out to one of our insurance underwriters below.


From our Lloyd’s platform, our Insurance team underwrites general liability, environmental liability, financial/management/professional liability, medical malpractice liability, transactional liability, and cyber/tech/media liability lines on a delegated authority basis. Within this portfolio, we remain selective about the contracts we write, working with a small number of strategic partners with whom we can grow in a sustainable and profitable manner. We offer lead or follow capacity and conduct extensive due diligence coupled with appropriate oversight and control. We seek to partner with managing general agents/coverholders that bring something unique to our portfolio – whether this be product knowledge, access to underwriting expertise, or access to distribution. Additionally, we underwrite a direct open market portfolio, compromising mainly North American domiciled risks, with the ability to write worldwide exposures. Our risk appetite encompasses the larger lawyers, architects/engineers/contractors, miscellaneous professional liability, and medical malpractice accounts. We focus on primary or first excess positions on a lead or follow basis. Coverage is provided on a claims made or occurrence basis with a maximum line of EUR/CAD/GBP/USD 10M on any one claim. We strive to build sustainable and long term partnerships with our insureds.

Reinsurance Solutions

Ed Cruttenden

Chief Executive Officer
RenaissanceRe Syndicate Management Limited*

*Pending regulatory approval


Our People

United Kingdom
Reinsurance Solutions

Thomas Cox

Reinsurance Solutions

Roderic Jones

Reinsurance Solutions

Lucy Town

Reinsurance Solutions

Henry Yorke

United States
Reinsurance Solutions

Noelle Collado

Reinsurance Solutions

Erica Fothergill


From our Lloyd’s platform, we underwrite both property direct and facultative and delegated authority business. On the direct and facultative portfolio, the book comprises worldwide, soft occupancy and is predominantly targeted towards excess of loss business. Ideally, our preference is to write little primary or first loss business although we will consider if pricing, deductibles, and historical loss performance is positive. We try to avoid high level, low rate on line layers and tend not to write very low total insurable value (TIV) risks. The majority of accounts we target tend to be Fortune 500-1000 business. Coverage is provided on an ‘all risks’ or ‘named peril’ basis.

On the delegated authority portfolio, we tend to remain selective about the contracts we write. Generally, we look to perform extensive due diligence on partners. Our preference is to build relationships with partners that are known to our organization and we prefer having a small number of material relationships to retain oversight and control. This allows a more constructive two-way dialogue within the underwriting process. We tend to partner with coverholders that bring something unique to our portfolio – whether this be product knowledge, access to underwriting expertise or access to distribution.

Our People

Reinsurance Solutions

Richard Marks

At RenaissanceRe, we believe the key to insurance is stable, lasting partnerships, a balanced portfolio and a passion for exceeding client expectations. Edward Cruttenden, Active Underwriter for RenaissanceRe Syndicate 1458 and Global Head of Casualty Insurance